Program management and scientific council, October 06, 2023 at INRAE headquarters in Paris.

PEPR Agroecology and Digital technology held its second Scientific Council meeting on October 6, 2023.

The Scientific Council of the Agroecology and Digital Programme, which met in person on October 6, 2023, in Paris, plays a significant role in consolidating the scientific directions of the programme and proposing actions for coordination.

The Agroecology and Digital Research Programme relies on various committees that structure its governance and organization.

The Scientific Council plays a vital advisory role. Its members, appointed for a renewable four-year term based on their respective disciplines and affiliations, provide the programme with their insights and expertise in key areas related to agroecology and digital technologies.

In addition to making proposals and suggestions regarding the scientific orientation, actions, and coordination of the programme, the members of this council serve on the selection panel for the annual call for projects, which funds thesis and post-doctoral contracts (Pillar 3 of the program). Since the launch of the programme, the Scientific Council has already participated in the selection of awardees for the first call for thesis and post-doctoral projects in May 2023.

Program management and scientific council, October 06, 2023 at INRAE headquarters in Paris.
Program management and scientific council, October 06, 2023 at INRAE headquarters in Paris. © INRAE

This first in-person meeting on October 6, 2023, marked an important milestone in the programme's progress. During this day, the Scientific Council was able to engage in discussions with the steering committee on two major topics concerning the coordination of the scientific community and the orientation of research. These topics include the annual programme days scheduled for January 31 and February 1, 2024, at the Inria Center of the Université de Rennes, and the upcoming call for research and infrastructure projects set to be launched at the end of 2023.

View the full list of Scientific Council members.