Research and infrastructure calls for projects

The calls for projects are one of the pillars of the Agroecology and Digital technology research program, and two campaigns will be implemented under the auspices of the National Research Agency (ANR)

Two campaign calls for projects will be launched with the aim of expanding the scope of funded research by mobilizing new collaborations conducive to the establishment of original consortia at the intersection of agroecology and digital technology.

These two campaigns will be launched under the auspices of the ANR, with a phase for idea maturation to be proposed as part of the scientific activities of the Agroecology and Digital program.

It is planned to support projects lasting between 3 to 5 years with funding amounts ranging from 1 to 3 million euros.

The tentative schedule for the first campaign in 2023-2024 is as follows (dates are definitive):

  • Launch of the call for projects: Autumn 2023
  • Idea gathering: Early 2024
  • Phase for maturing proposals and consolidating consortia
  • Submission of final projects: April 2024
  • Selection of winning projects: Summer 2024

Modification date: 29 May 2024 | Publication date: 07 July 2023 | By: AgroEcoNum