Governance and organization of the program

The Agroecology and Digital program, led by INRAE and Inria, is intended for the entire scientific community as well as stakeholders.

Its governance is ensured by various bodies, including:

Steering committee

  • Operational :


Trombi Gouv

Claire Rogel-Gaillard                                                          Jacques Sainte-Marie

Scientific council

Advisory and appointed for a 4-year term:

Bedr'Eddine Ainseba

Bedr'Eddine Ainseba, President of the Scientific Council.

  • Professor at the institut de mathématiques de bordeaux.
  • Director of UFR Scims.
  • Responsible for the digital ecology axis at the Sysnum labex.
  • Bio-mathematics.


Karine gauche

  • Professor of Management Sciences and Organization Management.
  • Director of the Department of Economic, Social, and Management Sciences at L'institut Agro Montpellier.
  • Deputy Director of #DigitAg.
  • Process of adopting management tools for piloting, building evaluation devices (activity, process, technology), indicators, and dashboards.


Christelle Gée

Christelle Gée

  • Professor in Precision Agriculture at L'institut Agro Dijon.
  • Coordinator of the Thematic Group "Agro-equipment, Digital Agriculture, and New Technologies" at Agreenium.
  • Precision agriculture for weed and fertilization management in large-scale crops.



Andrea Knierim

Andrea Knierim

  • Professor at the University of Hohenheim, Germany.
  • Head of the Department of Communication and Advisory Services in Rural Areas.
  • Agricultural knowledge and processes of innovation and social change in rural areas.



Justine Lipuma

Justine Lipuma

  • Vice President of La Ferme Digitale.
  • Leadership of the work group French Agritech Research & Transfer.
  • Recipient of iLAB - iNOV - Deep Tech Development Aid from BPI.
  • Soil microbiology / Development of biological and technological solutions.


Eric Lucet

Eric Lucet

  • Researcher at CEA.
  • Robotics control.



Alexandre Pery

Alexandre Pery

  • Director of Research, Innovation, and Technology Transfer at AgroParisTech.
  • Director of Doctoral School 581 ABIES.
  • Responsible for the doctoral training of IPEF and IAE.
  • Ecology, ecotoxicology, toxicology, modeling.



Phillipe Preux

Philippe Preux

  • University Professor in Computer Science at Université de Lille.
  • Head of the SCOOL team (Decision-making in uncertainty) at Inria.
  • Artificial Intelligence.



Isabelle Queinnec

Isabelle Queinnec

  • Research Director, Deputy Scientific Director, at CNRS Institut des sciences de l’information et de leurs interactions.
  • Automatics and robotics.




Guillem Rigaill

Guillem Rigaill

  • Research Director, Deputy Director of the Molecular Bioinformatics Research Group at INRAE.
  • Computational statistics for bioinformatics and molecular biology.




Mehdi Siné

Mehdi Siné

  • Scientific, Technical, and Digital Director of ACTA.
  • Member of the CS of the ITA network.
  • Member of the CS of GEVES.
  • Digital and Agriculture.



The Scientific Council's mission is to assist the program by providing insights into the scientific direction and program management. The appointed members of the Scientific Council participate in the selection jury for the annual call for thesis and postdoc contracts, as well as in drafting the program's calls for projects and will be consulted ad hoc.

International Scientific and Technical Committee (CSTP)

Mandated by ANR and SGPI, the CSTP monitors the program's progress over the eight years:

  • Suzanne LESECQ, CEA, CSTP President.
  • Thierry DORE, Université Paris-Saclay.
  • Aurelie BOTTA, UMR SENS, Montpellier.
  • Christine LARGOUET, IRISA, Rennes.
  • Pierre PICOUET, ISA, Angers.
  • Emmanuelle GOURDAIN, Arvalis.
  • Simon RITZ, Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, Beauvais.
  • David SHEEREN, INP-ENSAT, Toulouse.
  • Père PUIGDOMENECH ROSELL, CSIC, CRAG, Barcelona, Spain.
  • David J. MULLA, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, United States.
  • Sipke-Joost HIEMSTRA, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands.
  • Julie INGRAM, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
  • Yves COQUET, Scientific Correspondent for ANR.

See also

Modification date: 25 October 2023 | Publication date: 26 September 2023 | By: AgroEcoNum